Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Not it!

Gabcast! Things That Make You Go Hmm, To Go #2 - Not it!

Marriage isn't really my thing.


Twit said...

I've always thought that if a relationship is really strong, why should we need a piece of paper to prove it? But then I suppose you could say, if it's that good, WHY NOT get married?

I've had a couple of opportunities to get wed but never followed them through (& consequently got dumped!) because I always felt too immature & irresponsible (which WAS responsible of me! -I think).

It's almost like Marriage is cursed, & seen as 'the beginning of the end' nowadays.
Our culture has convinced us that everything is disposable; so
the depth of a relationship, that only time can create, is even more wonderful when it does happen between people.

It'll be interesting to see if the gay-divorce-stats start to match the heterosexual ones, in a few years.

It's a big topic .. that's for sure.

Deanna said...

Ah Twit, you were very responsible to admit you were not ready to get married.

I see marriage as a contract. It's one where you can lose half your stuff! You even have to pay money to break the contract.

It should be interesting to see the gay-divorce stats, society as a whole, isn't as committed as they once were...

With employers now granting siginificant others of employee health benefits, I would think the need for marriage would dwidle. But some people will still be romantic about it I guess, and want the whole marriage thing.