Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Parents Just Don't Understand

I'm nobody special, I just pay attention.

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Twit said...

I'm trying to be positive here (& not just trying to contradict you); but maybe the child's parents were going through something quite serious in their private lives. It's at-least possible that they were too preoccupied to be fully "there", at that particular moment.

They may generally be quite giving & attentive parents. I hope so.

That said, It's still a little disappointing, no matter what's going on in other dimensions of their lives.

At this point I could go on about the nature of the culture we belong to... but I think you know what I mean.

"Precious time" just about covers it for me.

Deanna said...

"Precious time" is exactly it.

You could be right about the parents, and I truly hope so.

I heard this quote once, "Childhood is the thing you spend your adulthood trying to get over."

I hope that is not the case for her.
